All of that may come to an end very soon.
This $4000 per toy fee would include the stay-at-home mom who sews while her babies nap. This fee would include the part-time person who is making a go at importing toys to sell online. This $4000 per toy fee would give all of the power to the big guys.
So what's the answer? Allow the big guys to continue to make unsafe toys and import them? Put all of the little guys out of business? There has to be an answer.
Please take a moment to read about Diane's thought over at dkMommy Spot. She has posted a great video and lots of additional compelling facts about the issue.
If you feel as upset about the possible loss of handmade toys forever, please sign the petition to save handmade toys.
The link to the petition doesn't work.
Thank you for informing your readers too, Gruppie Girl! I really believe we can change this if we're loud enough. I can't imagine next Christmas with this law in place.
Jezamyn~Thanks for bringing the problem to my attention. The link is now fixed.
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