Saturday, April 12, 2008

Manner of the Month

Every month Girlie's school practices a "manner of the month." The manners are posted on large signs throughout the school and the staff "catches" the kids in the act of performing the good manner.

Much to my surprise, April's Manner of the Month is to "Respect the Earth." Very cool indeed.

On the posters there are great tips such as;

Ride the bus or carpool to school.
Eat less meat
Don't let your parents leave their car idling
Use both sides of your paper
Turn off the lights when you leave the room

My gruppie self had to take the tips a step further and write green tips on the white board in the school's lobby. With Earth Day approaching it seems like green people can be a little more blatant about their earth speak without seeming so pushy. OK ok, so...I'm still a pushy guerrilla...
So I added a few of my own;

pack a zero trash lunch
leave the car in the garage and walk or ride your bike
pick-up any trash you see
wear hand-me-downs or thrift shop clothing
shop at the local farm stand or farmer's market

The kids and parents can try those things too. Right?

When Girlie goes back to school in two weeks (April vacation!) I would like to change a few of the tips on the white board. Any suggestions?

Best of luck guerrilla greening your little ones and their friends too!


JessTrev said...

Love this. I'll add the "duh" ones I never thought of until reading a zillion green mama blogs:

*bring tupperware to the restaurant for your leftovers
*always use your greywater to water a plant
*carry a cloth handkerchief to use as a napkin and tissue

...and a few longtime loves of mine:

*turn off the shower while soaping up
*bring a reusable bottle everywhere
*keep turning those lights off
*bring your own bags and buy stuff with less packaging

Have fun with the whiteboard!

Akkire said...

@use compact fluorescent light bulbs

@compost your food scraps

@use rags instead of paper towels

@make curtains out of heavier material to conserve more heat in winter! switch to lighter fabric curtains in summer

Good luck spreading the Guerrilla love!